Model African Union, Diplomacy, Negociations and More !

The Model African Union is essentially a simulation of the proceedings of the African Union, augmented by pre-conference study at home institutions and Embassy briefings.  It provides a unique opportunity for university and college students to study the role, structure and activities of the African Union as well as the economic, social, and political-security issues facing African countries.


Through simulation, students gain a better and clearer understanding of the capabilities and constraints that shape the policies of AU member states in the arena of intra-African diplomacy on issues of mutual concern.  In addition to a prepared agenda containing these issues, students in the Executive Council grapple with a contemporary crisis to be revealed at the Model.


Each participating university represents one or more Member States of the African Union.  Upon registration, you shall receive preparatory material, which shall include the position paper of the Delegation which content statistics and the position of the country face tDSC_0008o the topic discussed in the council.

The fisrt edition of MAU was orginized by Youth Qualification Association and konrad adenauer stiftung in Beni Bellal Morocco. I represented the republic of cabo verde and its position face “youth and the sustainable develepement” in the ECOSOCC council.

We discussed many issues related to the youth, especially unemployement. Our resolution was about education, entrepreneurship and empowrement as the major three keys for sustainable developement. Our delegation raised a motion to discuss climate change as an important danger faces african countries.


By Rachid BEGGAR, President and founder at Zero hunger Morocco.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. smail says:

    keep up the great work bro

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rachidbeggar says:

      Thank you so much


    2. Rachidbeggar says:

      okay I ll


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